Conception: It Takes Three.
We often think that having a baby takes two, but I believe that it takes three: the male and female element (ie. mom and dad, mom(s) and...

Calling In the Spirit of your Child: Dreamtime
One of the ways to call in the Spirit of your (unconceived) child is to ask to meet them in the dreamtime. When we sleep at night, we are...

Connecting with your Moontime
Life is ceremony. Your body has her own sacred rhythms, Allow yourself to slow down, allow yourself to tune in, Allow yourself to...

Loving your Body Through Infertility
Your body is sacred, Your body is aware, Your body is wise, Your body is capable of healing. And so it is. When dealing with health...

Energetic Reasons That May Be Impacting Your Ability to Conceive
We are energetic beings. Our emotions, our past experiences, and our expectations play a big part in our healing. Here are a few...

Infertility and the Mind-Body Connection
The root of all health is in the mind. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms...

Journeying: Learning to Trust Ourselves
When I guide patients on a journey to meet the spirit of their unborn child one of the questions that comes up most frequently is: how do...

Calling in the Spirit of your Baby
How can we connect with the spirit of our child before they are conceived? There isn't a formula and different people will connect in...

What is Conscious Conception?
Simply put, conscious conception is the idea that you can communicate with the spirit of your child before they are physically conceived....

5 situations that may be asking you to look beyond the physical aspects of your health concern
When we get sick, many people assume that the roots of the health issue are physical in nature. They make dietary changes, take...