Conscious Conception
This is intended for anyone wanting to involve the Soul of their child in the conception process. To read more about conscious conception, please take a look at this blog article. This approach can be used by individuals or couples who are struggling to conceive, or it can be used by individuals or couples who are considering starting a family and are at the very beginning of their journey.
This approach can be used on its own, or alongside other treatments including naturopathic and conventional treatments (IUI, IVF).
What I can help you with:
I can teach you how to establish a connection with the spirit of your child using various techniques including meditation, guided imagery, dream-work, journeying and chanting.
I can help guide you as you deepen your on-going relationship with your child, and teach you how to incorporate your child's messages or guidance into the physical world.
I can help you discover and eliminate fears, belief systems, or past trauma that may be blocking your ability to conceive or maintain a pregnancy.
I can help you stay in deep connection with your child through out pregnancy and labour/delivery-- the child is very much part of these processes as well!