5 situations that may be asking you to look beyond the physical aspects of your health concern
When we get sick, many people assume that the roots of the health issue are physical in nature. They make dietary changes, take...
Healthy Interaction with the Sun
The sun generally gets a bad reputation this time of year. We are told that the sun is dangerous, and that the best protection is...
Amazing Mushrooms!
Even though I’ve never been a fan of the taste or texture of mushrooms, the fungal kingdom has always fascinated me. Years ago I read...
Going for your annual check-up? You may want to include these lab tests.
Important lab tests that you should include each year as part of your check-up
Dream-working Tips!
Some practical tips on working with your dreams and allowing them to be part of your intuitive guidance system
What is Neuro-Emotional Technique?
NET is a powerful technique for getting in touch with, and releasing deep and unconscious emotions that may be preventing physical healing.
Connecting to, and Honouring the Moontime
A post about honouring the moon time and allowing our own wisdom to shine through while our body releases whatever needs to be shed physical
Let the Body Lead The Way
Listening to our bodies and allowing them to take the lead may result in better health outcomes.